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 About Me

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Hey, I'm Marissa. And, I'm SO GLAD you're here.

I'm here to help you create longterm, sustainable, positive change. The kind of change that liberates us and connects us to the truth of our being.  

My mission is to provide a safe and powerful space for you to heal from trauma, uncover your gifts, and develop tools that support the emergence of your higher self.

Enabling you to move forward with purpose and clarity. 


Just like I was able to do. 


Like so many souls, plant medicines irrevocably changed my life.


For me, it was Ayahuasca. The moment I opened into that space, I was home. I knew immediately that I’d found what I’d been searching for my whole life.


What I didn’t know was how challenging the journey would be.

The Initiate’s Path is the space I wish existed, all those years ago, when I was finding my footing on the medicine path, learning to integrate my wounded parts, and healing from trauma.

Since then, the road of transformation has become my life path, and supporting others in their own process of awakening and transformation has become my life's purpose.


My work weaves together the many tools I've gathered on this path home to myself. 


Through a combination of parts work, somatic tracking, shadow work, inner child attuning, nervous system awareness, and intuitive wisdom, I offer support in learning to illuminate and transform the programs and patterns that keep us from experiencing (or even knowing) our true self.


We'll work together to witness and integrate wounded parts, enabling the higher self to emerge.

Psychedelics are an incredible tool in this process, and if you're working with them, I'd love to support you in this work. 


If you're not working with psychedelics, I'd love to support you too. While entheogenic medicines are beloved allies, they are simply one of many tools on the path to healing.


We all hold the potential within to heal ourselves. You heal you, and I function as a guide or friend on the path. Every one of us can use a compassionate ear, skilled, honest, reflection, and someone to sit with us in the shadows, while we transform our darkness to light.

Walking a path of transformation is an initiation. It's deeply challenging. And it's better with a guide.


If you'd like to to walk a supported path, I'd be honored to be a part of your journey.

Check out my coaching page, or get started below.

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Create a clear path for your next medicine journey with our FREE Intention Setting Meditation and Worksheet.

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