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Sacred Integration

A Plant Medicine Integration Course

Marissa at Beaver Creek Drone 443.46-2.JPG

Sacred Integration weaves the lessons and insights of Plant Medicine, with a path of sacred reciprocity, guiding you toward the divinity within. 

You've left ceremony with your heart full, and a vision for your best life, in your mind's eye.  But as days turn to weeks, and weeks to months, the magic you felt begins to fade..

Perhaps, this isn't the first time you've watched the hope you feel after ceremony turn to frustration, and wondered how to stay connected to the space plant medicines open in you.

You've felt the truth of who you are. You've seen glimpses of your highest self living a life of connection, joy, and meaning..

But how do you bring that magic into this reality? How do you create a life of your dreams, from the visions and insights of plant medicine?


Integration is the process of alchemizing our plant medicine experience into tangible: tools, practices, and teachings, which serve as allies, and empower us on the path to our highest self.

Integration is key to the growth and healing you seek.

It's why some people come to Ayahuasca, and the trajectory of their life changes drastically for the better, while others sit in 100 ceremonies and very little changes for them.

How would it feel to know you had the tools to take the insights from your Plant Medicine experience, and transform your life?

I've created this SACRED INTEGRATION COURSE, to help you do just that.

Marissa at Beaver Creek Drone 552.23 cop

They did it. So can YOU...

"Sacred Integration is 8 weeks of ceremony. Marissa is a wise devoted guide & the community of participants enrich the experience. There is a deep weaving of plant teachings, spirit, & synchronicities that make this course a powerful integration of life experiences, healing & new teachings.  I experienced several big breakthroughs during these eight weeks that feel equivalent to eight years of work. I truly feel like I healed & claimed parts of myself I’ve been seeking for decades in many modalities. Having taken this course, I feel grounded & aligned in my personal truth & path. I feel a gratitude & communion, clarity & purpose that I’ve been seeking for a long time. I can’t recommend this course highly enough. "

~Adrianne S.

"Sacred Integration course covered so many of the topics I’ve been dealing with over the last year, from connecting with spirit guides to the dark night of the soul, in a unique and practical way. The special thing about this course though is the personal connection with Marissa and the participants and hearing everyone else’s stories. So often on the path we stumble because we feel alone. Having a tribe to connect with twice a week has been so important to me. So much gratitude for this experience!”

~ Heather Brown

"The Sacred Integration class was fantastic, and provided lots of very rich food for thought as well as a bunch of tools to develop and strengthen my practices. As a result of this course, I feel a lot calmer now about being able to navigate this turbulent time that we're living in than I did before, and I feel like I'm on the brink of significant growth after having been on a plateau for quite a while. I can't recommend it highly enough."


~Eric S.

"Sacred Integration is one of the best courses I have ever taken. The content was both meaningful and illuminating, challenging me to extend myself beyond my present place of thinking and being. The love and support provided by Marissa was phenomenal, as was the beautiful and safe container she held, along with the other participants. I do not think I have ever grown so close so fast and felt so safe with a group of people, none of whom I had ever met in person. It was truly an experience where I felt free to express my deepest feelings and share from my heart, knowing that I would be seen, held and supported. I have grown exponentially in the 8 weeks of this course. Excellent experience! "

~ Jenny

Create the life of your dreams, by learning to fully integrate the visions and insights, of your plant medicine work.

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